Welcome and Course Overview

Hello and Welcome to The Physics of Touch course.

Touch is the most integral part of our practice. We become “touch technicians” as it were; since we learn to become very skilled at detecting nuances of tissue imbalance and disturbance through our hands and often intuition as well. What is going on at a deeper level, when we touch? This class is designed to provide a living systems perspective through the lens of physics, and physiology.

*Please review and download the handout provided for the class under course handout. The structure of the course is listed in order sections one through three. You will need to complete each module before continuing on to the next. Once you have completed all three sections you will be guided to the course quiz/assessment. All three modules, and the quiz, must be completed to be awarded your certificate of completion. Throughout the class please do not hesitate to ask questions in the comment sections provided below the video. as well as contact me directly with any questions.

Thank you kindly for sharing your time with me. -Dr. Gail Jett

Website: https://www.advancedhealingenergetics.com/

Phone: #541-815-5603

Email: [email protected]

The Physics of Touch syllabus.pdf
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